For the North Glenora Project T5M Connect commissioned a traffic and parking study to test our own assumptions and to provide a professional opinion on the matter. The results of the study can be found here: Traffic & Parking Study. The study confirmed that there is sufficient parking space in the area for our proposal. The study also states that “traffic safety is not anticipated to be negatively impacted in the vicinity of the development.” The fact that cars parked on the road have a traffic-calming effect is also explained in this document. We are following the same basic principals for all our projects – that location matters and by building in neighbourhoods with good access to public transportation we can focus on building for humans rather than cars.
Missing Middle housing adds gentle density while integrating into a neighbourhood. Cities that were planned and built before the automobile was dominate in our culture include plenty of middle density housing. If you think of any city in Europe what comes to mind is likely a plethora of 2-4 story multifamily buildings. This type of housing is key to keeping housing affordable and providing housing choice. See this link for more information: Missing Middle
Our North Glenora project is the first multi-family project in Alberta certified to the Passive House standard. Passive House projects use 80-90% less energy than a standard building. The building design calls for highly insulated walls and roof, extreme air tightness and an extremely efficient mechanical system. Passive House standards provide an excellent starting place to achieve net zero emissions. Visit for more information.
Our Lynwood project follows similar principals with upgraded in insulation and efficient mechanical systems and will be fully electric complete with solar generation on the roof.
We are currently monitoring the performance of the North Glenora project to determine how close to being net zero we were able to achieve. In addition to the environmentally sensitive design of the building we implemented sustainable landscaping as well. We have chosen “plant guilds” that have been designed not only for aesthetics but also with consideration to create a more resilient ecosystem. We plan to continue the same philosophy at the Lynwood project and other future projects.
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